Monday, June 18, 2012

Having My Cake & Eating It

One thing that I have noticed as I grow older is that I have to pay much more attention to what I eat! My body can't handle as much junk food as it was able to when I was 16 years old! I've never been one for faddy diets. I don't want to restrict myself to certain foods. I just want to enjoy my life. If I want to go out with friends for dinner I refuse to spend an hour agonizing over whether or not I can have desert or another glass of wine! I've learned that the key is moderation. Everybody knows what foods are healthy and which are not. Its all intuitive really! You know deep down if you eat fried foods seven days a week then you will not only gain weight, but you will also do untold damage to your internal organs!

My advice to any women who is wanting to mange her weight effectively is just be sensible. Listen to your body. Ever noticed how when you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables you feel much more alert and energetic. Load up on stodgy breads and cakes and you are tired and lethargic. Look for these signals and listen to your own intuition. You know which foods to eat more regularly! I think that if you eat this way all the time then it is perfectly fine to go for that slap up meal and enjoy a few drinks with friends without having to feel very guilty about gaining weight.

I am always getting comments about being able to eat whatever I want, but the truth is the people who see me eating unhealthy food at a night out do not seem to grasp that I don't eat that way all the time otherwise I'd be very unhealthy. This goes for everyone. No-one can eat like that three times a day and not get any after effects. Only eat like that once or maybe twice a month. I might indulge in a slice of cake or a bar of chocolate every few days, but for the most part I try to eat a balanced and healthy diet which includes all of the required nutrients and food groups including dairy, protein, fats and vitamins.

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