Monday, June 25, 2012


I am so excited! I just booked a last minute Summer holiday. In just under a month, I'll be heading off to South Africa with a group of friends. It's somewhere I have always wanted to visit and I cannot wait!

I love animals and I cannot wait to do a Safari or two while we are in South Africa. There is such a broad spectrum of animals to see including lions, rhinos and elephants. Of course, I've seen them before in the zoo but that's just not the same as on safari where you get to see them pretty much in their natural habitat. I'm not sure which parks we will go to but I definitely want to try game viewing on a walking safari if I get the chance. The travel agent warned that it is designed for physically fit people so I am doubling the effort at the gym in the next few weeks.

I think we will probably opt for Kruger National Park as it is one of the most well known. It's huge too, covering over 20,000 square kilometers which is larger than some small countries! The park is made up of lots of different landscapes making it suitable for all sorts of animals. There are thousands of species in the park including 300 tree species, 500 bird species, 147 mammal species, 49 fish species, 33 amphibian species, 114 reptile species and countless different insects.

Some of the highlights I hope to see on my South Africa Safari adventure are the black and white rhinos and hippos!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Let's Talk Surgery

So I've been talking a lot about body modification lately, both here on my blog and with my friends. One of the main points that we keep coming back to is how acceptable is it to change your body. I have one friend, Eloise, who was arguing that she would never have body modification done because she doesn't feel it is right to interfere with what God gave her – but she has her ears pierced! So I said, well if God intended you to have holes in your ears you'd be born that way. She conceeded that what she meant was major mods like tattoos or subdermals and so on.

It was then that my Shiva said 'well what about cosmetic surgery?'. We all kind of stopped and thought about it for a moment. We pretty much all agreed that even though it is deemed much more socially acceptable, surely having a breast augmentation or a tummy tuck is also body modification? By the very definition body modification is the act of permenantly (or semi permanently) altering your body's natural state. That means that if you go up 3 cup sizes then you are fundamentally changing your body. If you have a rib removed to get a tiny waist or even if you get a nose job then you are in fact participating in body modification. I'm not talking about reconstructive surgery after a breast removal or a disfiguring accident, I mean elective cosmetic surgery for the purposes of making you look better. The thing is, not only does Eloise have her ears pierced, she also had a nose job for her 21st birthday (a gift from daddy) and she has even talked about getting breast implants. 

This discussion really made her stop and think about her belief that all body modification was wrong! She agreed that she can't make judgement on a tattoo but support a boob job. She had just never really thought of surgery as body modification – and honestly? Neither had I! It was food for thought.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Warning: Feminist(ish) Rant!

As a woman living on her own, I do worry about the upkeep of my home. I constantly think about what would happen if I had a burst pipe, or if the basement flooded or if the roof was leaking. It's also one of the things my mother is constantly on my back about! 'Lauren, if you had a man you could get him to do your DIY.' It pains her that I am single! That's one thing about Indian mothers... they are desperate to farm out their daughters as soon as possible!

But seriously, I am useless when it comes to DIY. I can probably hang a picture, or screw in a few wood screws if I have to, but major work requires the services of a handyman! I did however, recently think to myself that I should get a little tool box in the house, just for minor things! Nothing exciting. Just a hammer, screwdriver, tape measure some nails and screws – the basics. So off I headed with my flatmate into the local DIY place! Now, it has already occurred to me that DIY is the domain of men, but surely there must be plenty of women who indulge in it too? I mean just cause I'm hopeless doesn't mean plenty of other woman don't love banging away with a hammer from time to time. Right?

Anyway , at the shop we found 'Women's Tools'. I was like huh? They have special tools for females. I was shocked, and more than a little bit disappointed that what passed for women's tools were the same hammers in the next aisle, only sprayed pink. There was a whole range of tools, boxes, belts etc with pink or lilac colours or even floral patterns and worst of all? Twice the price!

Are women really such consumers that they will pay double for a pink hammer? That's so patronizing! Why can't we fix our leaky pipes with regular man tools?

Bringing Modification To New Heights

Bodymodification is a common practice in today’s world. In particular the young generation is very keen on ensuring that they look very attractive and outstanding among others. The most notable are the artistes who go to great lengths to ensure they have a unique identity. The competition for fame and business competition has made it even more and more popular for this group. There are many reasons why one may go for body modification, one of these is just the desire to look beautiful, and there is also the desire to identify with a certain group whereby the group has an identifying body modification process. There is also the desire to create a personal identity. There are also other types of modification that are done as rites of passage, for religious reasons or to express one self.

There are many forms of body modification. It may be as simple as the use of explicit ornament which may include the ear piercing procedures, the adornment of normal jewelry and so on. There are also surgical procedures meant to alter the body for no-medical purposes. In this we have breast implants, silicon injection and the subdermal implants. There are also procedures that involve the removal of or split of various body parts which may include circumcision and also cutting of the hair. The list of the ways and means of modifying one’s natural looks is so long and new inventions are coming up daily.

Beauty is one thing that everyone strives to achieve. Every single person can appreciate beautiful things and also like beautiful things and people too. That is why we tend to look for methods to make ourselves look good. In this case, body plugs have lately been widely used. They are gadgets that are put or worn in our bodies for beauty. They can be worn by an individual who has either pierced that particular part of the body or use the fake types of gauges that are held in place using a magnet even to someone who has not pierced. They are also ways of body modification since piercing your body is a permanent thing. They can be worn at various parts of the body.

After being pierced, a small, cylindrical gadget is placed in the piercing. It is not like an earring. It’s thicker than an earring though they come in various sizes. They are also divided into classes of what they are made of.
a) There are those types of body plugs that are made of gold or silver. Normally they are expensive although the price they are sold at is quite worth considering the materials they are made of not forgetting the sophistication. Not everyone is able to afford it although they are very beautiful.
b) Others are made of metals and plastics. Those made of metals are usually made of titanium or stainless steel. They are quite affordable and they are mostly used since they are pocket friendly and also very beautiful. The plastic ones are also beautiful and can be made into very many designs depending on the choice of the individual. The best part it they are quite affordable.
c) The last group is made of organic materials such as bones, animal horns shoes, shells, wood and bamboo. They are affordable, natural and unique.

It is important to know that each type of body plug you purchase can be, used in different occasions. The gold and silver ones can be used when going for occasions. The ones made of metals are good to use when the wound has not completely healed since they are non porous. The organic ones can be used when the wound has completely healed because using them with a fresh wound is not hygienic. They are able to attract bacteria that could badly affect you. Always disinfect your body plug before using them and remember that it is not hygienic to share ornaments with anyone.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Having My Cake & Eating It

One thing that I have noticed as I grow older is that I have to pay much more attention to what I eat! My body can't handle as much junk food as it was able to when I was 16 years old! I've never been one for faddy diets. I don't want to restrict myself to certain foods. I just want to enjoy my life. If I want to go out with friends for dinner I refuse to spend an hour agonizing over whether or not I can have desert or another glass of wine! I've learned that the key is moderation. Everybody knows what foods are healthy and which are not. Its all intuitive really! You know deep down if you eat fried foods seven days a week then you will not only gain weight, but you will also do untold damage to your internal organs!

My advice to any women who is wanting to mange her weight effectively is just be sensible. Listen to your body. Ever noticed how when you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables you feel much more alert and energetic. Load up on stodgy breads and cakes and you are tired and lethargic. Look for these signals and listen to your own intuition. You know which foods to eat more regularly! I think that if you eat this way all the time then it is perfectly fine to go for that slap up meal and enjoy a few drinks with friends without having to feel very guilty about gaining weight.

I am always getting comments about being able to eat whatever I want, but the truth is the people who see me eating unhealthy food at a night out do not seem to grasp that I don't eat that way all the time otherwise I'd be very unhealthy. This goes for everyone. No-one can eat like that three times a day and not get any after effects. Only eat like that once or maybe twice a month. I might indulge in a slice of cake or a bar of chocolate every few days, but for the most part I try to eat a balanced and healthy diet which includes all of the required nutrients and food groups including dairy, protein, fats and vitamins.

Exposure To Asbestos During Pregnancy

Exposure to asbestos fibres can be dangerous for any human being over long term, and most of us know that we should not disturb them as this is more dangerous than leaving them be. However, when my sister in law fell pregnant with her first child it raised the question 'should my brother call someone in to remove the asbestos from their loft?' We sat down to investigate and were surprised to discover that there have been no studies able to prove any risk to an unborn child via asbestos fibres. We did, however, discover that exposure during pregnancy can cause the pregnant women harm and surely that then means that the baby becomes at risk? Anyway, long story short.. my brother hired some professionals to come in and perform the required asbestos removal.

So what sort of damage could asbestos exposure do to pregnant women. This of course depends on the type of asbestos and the length of exposure and of course every woman is different. While there is no direct link to asbestos damaging unborn children, the mother may well contract an asbestos related disease which will affect the child. For example, if the mother suffers from respiratory disease, her child may not get enough oxygen which can impact the development.

So what to do if you have been exposed to asbestos during pregnancy?
  1. Visit your doctor as soon as possible
  2. Have professionals carry out asbestos abatement
  3. If you have animals, have them professionally groomed to eliminate fibres of asbestos carried in their fur

I would like to reiterate that even if you do get exposed to asbestos your baby is safe as it cannot be passed to your unborn child. The only risks come from actually contracting diseases because it can have a knock on effect on your child. My opinion – if you have asbestos present in your home, take my brother's lead and be better safe than sorry – if in doubt get it out!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Where Does Body Modification End And Mutilation Begin?

There was a time, not too long ago, when body modification was not particularly common outside of areas where it had cultural significance. It was unusual to see someone with a tattoo and piercings other than earlobes were virtually unheard of. Some where along the way, all of that changed. At first it was only those involved in various underground or alternative subcultures who had any interest in piercing various body parts. It progressed from ear lobe to upper ear and cartilage piercings, then noses, lips, tongues and even genitalia were all fair game for a surgical steel ring or barbel. Then it wasn't just the subcultures, it was everyone. Men and women from all walks of life suddenly have an interest in tattoos or piercings. Suddenly for the alternative culture, seeking to be individual or just to shock – even a nipple piercing was no longer sufficient – not when the local school teacher also had one hidden away under her conservative clothing!

So now with piercing being available for virtually any body part, body modification has become more extreme. Recent years have seen a surge in more radical modifications, ones which often require surgical procedures. Young women are actually having their tongues surgically split into a snake like fork or having implants surgically placed under the skin to provide patterns and textures on the skin. Where do we draw the line? When did mutilation of your body become socially acceptable under the heading of body modification?

Call me old fashioned, maybe I'm just stuck in my ways, but when I see a beautiful woman who has marred that beauty with scars and metal protrusions, it makes me sad. While I am not totally against body modification and in fact have a small tattoo of my own as well as a tiny crystal nose piercing, I do feel that sometimes it is being taken to far. While this sort of extreme body modification is rare at present how long will it be before it becomes the norm? And where does it end? When 80% of the population are sporting sub-dermal implants how do you make yourself more extreme? Do you remove and eye or amputate a limb?

How far will you go to be an individual?