Thursday, November 1, 2012

Consider covering up your body art to land that dream job

In these tough financial times we are experiencing at the moment you may find that it is harder to get that all important job due to the amount of competition. For that reason, people with excessive or outlandish body modifications have found themselves being overlooked for the kind of jobs that have certain guidelines when it comes to appearance. There are quite a large number of companies who have strict guidelines when it comes to body art, and body modifications such as organic plugs, this can leave your application at the bottom of the pile.
Well if you are looking to turn the tables so to speak, here are my tips to help you to achieve that dream job you have always wanted.
If you have the attitude that you will not cover up your body modifications for anyone, that is fine, but it is not going to help you to get that job and you need to understand that sometimes you just have to cover up now and again.
There is a chink of light at the end of the tunnel though as I was pleased to discover that recently more and more companies are becoming more lenient when it comes to body modifications. Most of the major fast food companies are fairly lenient when it comes to body modifications, so long as they do not pose a health hazard and so long as they are covered up. However, these jobs are bad payers and if you are looking for something with more financial reward then you will need to cover up all of the time.
There are some companies that are very supportive to people with body modifications, however, it may still come down to the attitude of the area manager so attitudes will differ in different parts of the country. It is better to enquire about a company’s stance on body modification before you waste your time in going to any interviews.

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